Thursday, November 22, 2007

Average Penis Size Fotos

name: voice Magerith

description: This blog is a diary. 10 years ago I was forced to terminate an employment relationship in spite of myself, and since that time, since "I hold the family" I could no longer say what they think and work like a true manager. In recent years the world and Italy have changed completely, but my ethics and my thought not. This blog was created to be able to write my own voice, and that of people who are like me who still want to be men and foremen.

platform: The blog is hosted by platform and uses a standard template


category: Internet , Money, Politics ,
Link X Te is not related to blogs that are reviewed and the content of these fully meet the legally their authors. Link X Te censorship does not apply (except in some cases pornography, pedophilia and racism) because we are in a country where every citizen is granted the freedom to express their ideas.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Expected Value Mathematica

name: Snatox called Earth

description: diary board of an alien who is studying the land, hoping to be elected president of his planet.

platform: blogspot


category: News, Trivia ,
Policy -
Link X Te is not related to blogs that are reviewed and the content of these fully meet their legal authors. Link X Te censorship does not apply (except in some cases pornography, pedophilia and racism) because we are in a country where every citizen is The freedom to express their ideas.