In the early twenties, was a district of London Poplar exemplary model of the effects of high-activity industrial revolution ', production, profits, but the working class and poor with zero rights. The city council with powers even non-existent compared to the central government decided to change things. The reasoning was simple-we are small but that is why we are free to do what 'we think more' fair. And in a short time they were approved and promoted a series of measures that were valid only for that certain small area but in the meantime, vote for women were taken to local consultations, the right to strike-safety-fight for a minimum wage etc etc. With due proportion to the PD that I should look like London Poplar. We are part of a Party and its rules we follow but we are first responsible person 's actions and activities' of our club. In short, derives its because we are small, we have the 'opportunity to build a free and real PD. How? I can help.
About me: I am
Professor of EU law at Kings College London. I did my entire academic career in England for part-time tutor to professor. I am also a Visiting Professor at Georgetown University, College of Europe in Warsaw, Lisbon and Universidad Catolica. I primarily market sectors only state aid and European procedural law. I am also a lawyer and sometimes military here in London or in Italy. Sato are also consultant on several occasions for Commssione, the European Parliament el'Ombudsman. (Oh, do not pull the time!)
In Policy-I really started in ancient times (high school, university ') .. In London, 'I was' girotondino '.'s First involvement with the Italian community here in London dates back to Silvio Silvio I and II against the laws ad personam with girotondi and society' civil (aaargh!!) After a bit '.. it occurred to me that you could do something more'. Together with other 'citizens' without any constraint of the party decided to write a petition demanding that the European Paralmento was brought infringement proceedings, as provided for in the Treaty against those EU member states that violate the fundamental rights of man (Article 7). My argument was that having a prime minister and owner of three television channels that directly inflenzuasse the other three public channels was in itself a violation of freedom of information, particularly of pluralism in the media-freedom 'enshrined in the Bill of Rights Man and the EU charter of rights. The petition written by me was based on evidence, not gossip: Court of Justice, Court of human rights, analysis of market shares television advertising is that the petition was put on line in Italian, English and French with a 'review', translated into all EU languages \u200b\u200band quickly gathered around 5000 signatures from across Europe. We sent the petition and the Committee of the European Parliament with the sole vote against the components of the National Alliance and Forza Italy held it inadmissible because it raised a question of fact and of European importance. The European Commission (prev 'get us on the hoe pide!) Then thought of not having to continue the infringement procedure .. (Because they 'get us in the foot!) E' satisfaction regain nosta petizone cited in many textbooks of law euroepeo but also a lesson in politics means find specific and concrete forms of impegno.Per why I continued to work on specific projects and where I could use my skills. In recent years I have therefore always tried to do my part for the Union first and then to the PD. I have organized events and initiatives on the unconstitutionality 'of the Act requests, events on freedom of information, the campaigns of 2006 and 2008, and then the coordination for the birth of PD London. Action, not words! And even without many resources. (I do not think the case of repeating ... it 's clear.
London PD A free and practical: What does it mean?
means that the London PD comes from different backgrounds but they are not identifies. It means refusing to be another small power center that served the Election Committee, to organizations from a dinner for the powers that be, for personal gain. The PD of London and 'a circle of people who set themselves the goal of changing the things that, even without being influenced by the host of the party. Of course, with limited resources, but with commitment, clear and seriously.
What for?
It 'good to recognize immediately that certainly in relation to Italy' and 'Rome' and our position as 'marginal, but it' s a marginal position that is comunqe London. These and 'our strength .. Being away from the center allows us to not be involved in petty power struggles. The PD
London must act in two ways - local presence ... edazione practical policy.
Territory-PD is to create a London that is really in London and thus participate actively in the life of London. Mayoral election, elections for councils, elections, europe, mixtures of local politics, 'cause we should not be present and have our own position? There are many things that concern us all-local taxation, public services, pensions etc ctc.
The second function of PD and London 'and then to take care of our community'. And here we must say enough veramentre any attempt to contrappore old immigration new immigration. Of course the needs are different, but there is no reason why the Democratic Party in London is not representative of the whole community '. (This issue is not 'clear, Processing!)
Political Action "We can not and do not care even to think that the PD of London should be the place where you debate whether it is better or D Alema, Veltroni. We learn the English lesson: First of all the facts. The PD of London using the skills and the fact of living in communities like London should aim to propose a very focused and concrete action. Do not chase the day's events but to work on specific issues and issues on which 'can contribute, whether it concerns the issues our country is Italy and the Italians. Some examples of London-The PD must take a firm position on the issue of rappresenatnza Italian abroad. That Comites CGEI and must take a position on the issue of which services and rights should be guaranteed to foreign residents, must take a position on specific issues such as ICI abolished for the foreign-resident flagrant violation of the principle of freedom and eguaglainza movement of capital. Other examples of the new law on immigration, on which the PD central tace.Abbiamo skills and experience of our immigarnti and also involving British friends and colleagues to identify, punish and indicate the distortions or the actual illegality that facing (eg power and expulsion of the prefect-application to citizens of EU expulsion etc.) And yet we have the expertise and can offer a wide impact on the issue of freedom 'of television news. So on issues of financial transparency fondamantali or rights of the person, subjects on which Italy is out of the number of apes and civil democratci (okay, nice!). In short, we should identify the issues on which we can both engage the community in London is to use the skills Noste. On this we can increase awareness among both clubs PD Europe and strengthen the bonds for now sporadic and temperament of both referents persoanali Italians. Diaciamolo And at the end .. however, many 's idea to come to London do not mind.
then? (We're Italians!)
But which 'success later in Poplar? Okay not really. The central government or ignore 'the reforms or fight' openly. After some years of freedom '(and the internal division and you felt ..) things back to normal. and yet ... the questions were raised and discussed, those women who voted, workers who had gone on strike this .. there. Who knows what we could do at the end with our club london PD. who knows' but let's try ... (Bravo, bravo, clap clap clap!)
About me: I am
Professor of EU law at Kings College London. I did my entire academic career in England for part-time tutor to professor. I am also a Visiting Professor at Georgetown University, College of Europe in Warsaw, Lisbon and Universidad Catolica. I primarily market sectors only state aid and European procedural law. I am also a lawyer and sometimes military here in London or in Italy. Sato are also consultant on several occasions for Commssione, the European Parliament el'Ombudsman. (Oh, do not pull the time!)
In Policy-I really started in ancient times (high school, university ') .. In London, 'I was' girotondino '.'s First involvement with the Italian community here in London dates back to Silvio Silvio I and II against the laws ad personam with girotondi and society' civil (aaargh!!) After a bit '.. it occurred to me that you could do something more'. Together with other 'citizens' without any constraint of the party decided to write a petition demanding that the European Paralmento was brought infringement proceedings, as provided for in the Treaty against those EU member states that violate the fundamental rights of man (Article 7). My argument was that having a prime minister and owner of three television channels that directly inflenzuasse the other three public channels was in itself a violation of freedom of information, particularly of pluralism in the media-freedom 'enshrined in the Bill of Rights Man and the EU charter of rights. The petition written by me was based on evidence, not gossip: Court of Justice, Court of human rights, analysis of market shares television advertising is that the petition was put on line in Italian, English and French with a 'review', translated into all EU languages \u200b\u200band quickly gathered around 5000 signatures from across Europe. We sent the petition and the Committee of the European Parliament with the sole vote against the components of the National Alliance and Forza Italy held it inadmissible because it raised a question of fact and of European importance. The European Commission (prev 'get us on the hoe pide!) Then thought of not having to continue the infringement procedure .. (Because they 'get us in the foot!) E' satisfaction regain nosta petizone cited in many textbooks of law euroepeo but also a lesson in politics means find specific and concrete forms of impegno.Per why I continued to work on specific projects and where I could use my skills. In recent years I have therefore always tried to do my part for the Union first and then to the PD. I have organized events and initiatives on the unconstitutionality 'of the Act requests, events on freedom of information, the campaigns of 2006 and 2008, and then the coordination for the birth of PD London. Action, not words! And even without many resources. (I do not think the case of repeating ... it 's clear.
London PD A free and practical: What does it mean?
means that the London PD comes from different backgrounds but they are not identifies. It means refusing to be another small power center that served the Election Committee, to organizations from a dinner for the powers that be, for personal gain. The PD of London and 'a circle of people who set themselves the goal of changing the things that, even without being influenced by the host of the party. Of course, with limited resources, but with commitment, clear and seriously.
What for?
It 'good to recognize immediately that certainly in relation to Italy' and 'Rome' and our position as 'marginal, but it' s a marginal position that is comunqe London. These and 'our strength .. Being away from the center allows us to not be involved in petty power struggles. The PD
London must act in two ways - local presence ... edazione practical policy.
Territory-PD is to create a London that is really in London and thus participate actively in the life of London. Mayoral election, elections for councils, elections, europe, mixtures of local politics, 'cause we should not be present and have our own position? There are many things that concern us all-local taxation, public services, pensions etc ctc.
The second function of PD and London 'and then to take care of our community'. And here we must say enough veramentre any attempt to contrappore old immigration new immigration. Of course the needs are different, but there is no reason why the Democratic Party in London is not representative of the whole community '. (This issue is not 'clear, Processing!)
Political Action "We can not and do not care even to think that the PD of London should be the place where you debate whether it is better or D Alema, Veltroni. We learn the English lesson: First of all the facts. The PD of London using the skills and the fact of living in communities like London should aim to propose a very focused and concrete action. Do not chase the day's events but to work on specific issues and issues on which 'can contribute, whether it concerns the issues our country is Italy and the Italians. Some examples of London-The PD must take a firm position on the issue of rappresenatnza Italian abroad. That Comites CGEI and must take a position on the issue of which services and rights should be guaranteed to foreign residents, must take a position on specific issues such as ICI abolished for the foreign-resident flagrant violation of the principle of freedom and eguaglainza movement of capital. Other examples of the new law on immigration, on which the PD central tace.Abbiamo skills and experience of our immigarnti and also involving British friends and colleagues to identify, punish and indicate the distortions or the actual illegality that facing (eg power and expulsion of the prefect-application to citizens of EU expulsion etc.) And yet we have the expertise and can offer a wide impact on the issue of freedom 'of television news. So on issues of financial transparency fondamantali or rights of the person, subjects on which Italy is out of the number of apes and civil democratci (okay, nice!). In short, we should identify the issues on which we can both engage the community in London is to use the skills Noste. On this we can increase awareness among both clubs PD Europe and strengthen the bonds for now sporadic and temperament of both referents persoanali Italians. Diaciamolo And at the end .. however, many 's idea to come to London do not mind.
then? (We're Italians!)
But which 'success later in Poplar? Okay not really. The central government or ignore 'the reforms or fight' openly. After some years of freedom '(and the internal division and you felt ..) things back to normal. and yet ... the questions were raised and discussed, those women who voted, workers who had gone on strike this .. there. Who knows what we could do at the end with our club london PD. who knows' but let's try ... (Bravo, bravo, clap clap clap!)
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