friends all
is with joy that magno I copy below all the comments I found on the site www.donzauker.it affecting the X-NERD ..!!!
I wanted to put negative comments as well, just not to look too crazy, but for now there are none yet.
It would end, in order to dispel any doubt about it, buy one or more copies of the handsome volume.
And remember that Christmas is a little bit between € 10 and the X-NERD is a figure that more honest to make gifts to amichini.
's comments:
Anonymous writes:
November 3, 2010 at 16:03
Holy Now was one of the best Italian comics of last season and a great surprise, at least for me, since I did not know any of the two authors.
trust I also took X-Nerd and Heaven and Hell. The first is un'intelligentissima destruction of the entire universe of super heroes. A real gem for irony and desecration .. Heaven and Hell is an absolute masterpiece. The parties grotesque, those where there are great ride but the parties are tremendously beautiful dark and powerful. Not to mention the strength of the complaint. And the whole thing was put together in a sublime way. Courage and quality, what ask for more? I wonder what he expects to get signed to Vertigo ...
Anonymous writes:
November 4, 2010 at 22:09
Excuse my frankness but, from a comic point of view, I prefer the Saints now. Anyway congratulations for heaven and hell, much more engaged and thoughtful, perhaps more than I expected from a Don Zauker.
Another thing for X-Nerd: brilliant!
Anonymous writes:
November 5, 2010 21:00
Piccard and LACA SUBITOOOO SAINTS! Sorry, but I felt that they were not properly listed, and yes they deserve a place in the Hall of Fame this year of Lucca Comics. Not only that, I'd say.
Anonymous writes:
November 6, 2010 at 11:38
All true! Don Don is always Zauker Zauker but X-Nerd is absolutely brilliant!
Anonymous writes:
November 8, 2010 at 17:17
But the curls who signed with the X-Nerd Pagani was Piccardo or Laca?
What can I say, I thank all the commentators and answer the last comment:
who signed with the curls Pagani was myself. What type of hair has
Madame Piccarda we can not even know he keeps under the bonnet, the strict secrecy on her scalp ..! In tribute
I am attaching to this post the first table of the volume in question, and take all leggetene ..!!!

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