Last week I was in the library with my son in the hall dedicated to children.
while he was playing with his little friend ran into the spot, I leafed through a stack of Mickey Mouse.
Let's say I have browsed around thirty of the last out.

Criticón usually not to do anything that is fine but, but ...
a decided sense of discomfort I took the tenth register for the following reasons:
1 - chilling editorial director of that deal on the perfect harmony between the newspaper and the small audience, a taste much stuff "Modern Woman" and "Cosmopolitan".
2 - The drawings seem at a glance all the same (except Chierchini, Asteria, ML Uggetti Cat and that in fact they are the old masters and maintain a personal trait), all loyal to Cavazzanesimo born in the 90s (without detracting Cavazzano the good, for goodness sake), all forced to be uniform (as Julia Bonelli, for instance).
3 - Knowing that many authors who know why the Genoese citizens, are forced to stay within the limits of the above charts, food for obvious reasons.

4 - The improbable stories without disease, without poverty, without cigarettes, wine or brandy, without weapons, without truth no.
5 - sad stories of the supporting cast of ducks & mice, derived from seasonally-TV icons of the boot, making it all a children's version of the gossip magazines.
6 - Editorial ultra-modern technology.
7 - doing good at all costs making it inert and dumb.
8 - The dull colors of the comic strips and plates, which best bring out the advertising pages of giocattolame varied.

In short, this paper is the meal of many Italian children for over a decade.
a mouse cloning from week to week, always equal to itself.

Then I think about what's on sale for our children.
course ..! Newspaper THE
There Editions of Pauline.
With so much advertising for the good friend Jesus and sottaname dark in general.
charitable services to blacks and other ethnic groups but being very careful to obscure homosexual concepts and dangerous animals like. Comics
that it is better not to talk about (and even here there is some frustration because their employees are dear friends who work well below their means) except in Pinky and the ONLY good spiritosate Totaro.

remains the PIMPA that and maintain his dignity.
GIULIO RABBIT, which I find repulsive scopiazzatura of a spotted dog Altan's great.
And a bunch of different magazines and fashion brands as on any HALLO KITTY, BEN10, Gorm, Playhouse Disney, CARS and the like, which are only advertising vehicles GiocattoliGadgetVideogamesAbbigliamento with little educational content (if not null).

Mini amarcord hat of ...
The last century, in my time, there were only BARBIE & BIG JIM, Cicciobello and cars, INDIANS & spaceships, toys and perfumes but they had no side-paper magazines. There was also
Puppy Tiramolla, Geppo, Provolino, Trottolino, Popeye, Felix Cat, Mites, Abelardo Granny, Sylvester etc etc. tens of people linked only to the tradition of fantasy.
Yes, okay, it was a puppet television Provolino Raffaele Pisu, Sylvester, Felix and arm were the cartoon stuff, but treated differently from now on that no rain.
Then were the Masters of the Universe and the various comic book (often designed with the ass because it was cheaper) on Japanese cartoons in the '80s: Cartoons on TV, We Superheroes, TV Junior, Mazinger Z, Atlas Ufo Robot etc etc
... still maintained a semblance fantasy ...
but it was the beginning of the end. Today

What are you reading my son?
The old books and comics of the my childhood, I have kept and dusty books that I find in the comics convention.
From time to time I get something on sale that's cause for its focus on the gadgets for free (and not for the magazine that offers, that is forgotten after a puff and if snubbed repeated to his attention the next few days ...) .
are still the old narrative methods that arouse their curiosity, they can tell something.

Because culture is not a gadget.
And that he knows in five years.

PS - Among the words and to follow a rich gallery of cover & C. PSIKOPAT taken from the first and third series ..!

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