ragassuòli Oh yes dear, yet the Turks.
as well as having various newspapers all Belline grotesque satire and envy, as I said in the penultimate post, has a beautiful and functional application for normal cellular and Apple.

Let me explain. The
PENGUEN, publisher (I would say the most important) of Constantinople, developed app that allows you to see (read) all the numbers of their beautiful rivistina. Both the noble
Iphone for other phones of the vulgar.

download from the store does not cost anything, read the content available costs, however, a pittance.
in Italja We have nothing like that, and God forbid.
But I say, not to comb the dolls are here ...
Ah, sorry, we do not have the magazines ...

Perhaps qualuno could dare a little thing like that ..?
Who ..?
Rabbit editor ..?
Mmmmhhh ... Animals just do not see it on a stand like that, perhaps with Canemucco ..?
Boh, me I do not download it, and besides there is already online ...
Bonelli ..?
No, too old-fashioned traditional, crystallized, slow and unchanging, the new stuff too and dynamics are not viewed favorably, they are not popular in the sense that they want.
Diabolik is the only character in this computer store with the pretty little things ... but Diabolik is a criminal and is managed in an intelligent way. So in Italy is not text, is a special case, a rarity, let him into the oblivion of night. Frigidaire
Maybe ..?
Well, yes, we would Frigidaire well, he wanted things to communicate, but I do not have desire to modernize this point, too much effort, are the picturesque hippies and that is enough (and lucky are back on sale with a robetta and lean not self).
And to think that these idlers of the Turks, which I quote as an example of creative people to be despised because they are out of time, they lose time to do a lot of gadgets and ninnolame varied, such as Zimpatico this pillow ...

East's true that we are light years ahead, we're smarter and we do not need some of these useless crap to live better, to make the beautiful thing ...
Yeah, ste robe modern in the beautiful country do not serve anyone or anything.
What is it, enough.
As the horror.

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