this time I propose a couple of publications (made with controcazzi) Made in USA.
Gauges for enthusiasts, quality issues but not too expensive and therefore desirable for our pockets, maybe one every two months, why not ...

We start with a beautiful coffins of 476 pages divided in two volumes of magazine format: HUMBUG
namely Uncle Kurtzman magazine reprinted in its entirety with the legendary care of Fantagraphics Books.

Humbug lasted only from August 1957 to August 1958 and is a magazine of topical satire, especially for an adult target compared to that of MAD.

I find it hard to think of a better pair of books to have on the bedside table.

I could still make a nice Pippone historiographical and all detailing on the why and wherefore of the work in question, but since there is a network, any info cercatevele alone, as good tinkerers ...
Other key box for lovers of comedy / satire / grotesque high-level "The Completely MAD Don Martin" MAD's Greatest Artists series.

An Omnibus of 1200 pages (again, in two volumes) that can be found on Amazon.com, in a very diverse range of economic proposals between them.

the complete collection of every piece published in the BMA during the thirty years of his tenure (1957-1987). All
strips, covers, stickers and posters, presented in perfect chronological order.

Vale still worth to take a ride on his official website.

I have to tell you who is Don Martin ..???
I do not think there is a need ...

But, how strange ... The Striptease
tends willingly imitate the American system, except for the publishing industry ...

Mah ..

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